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Synagogue in Mutterstadt

Citizens’ Action Group’ "Commemorative

Steps for Jewish Mutterstadt Citizens Who

Were Deported to Gurs"

Completed: 2005

In 2005 a documentary film about the life of the Jews in Mutterstadt before the Nazi era was produced for the Citizens’ Action Group’ "Commemorative Steps for Jewish Mutterstadt Citizens Who Were Deported to Gurs". The main content of the film was comprised of film sequences of places where Jewish life had taken place, the documentation of a visit of former Jewish citizens of Mutterstadt, eyewitness interviews of survivors, as well as the 3D computer reconstruction of the synagogue that was destroyed in 1938. As for many other synagogues, also in Mutterstadt there were very few sources to help with a computer reconstruction. According to the testimony of an eyewitness, the interior, for which there were no photographs, was able to be reconstructed. An unusual feature of the synagogue in Mutterstadt were the stained glass windows in the main room with their scenic motives from the Old Testament.