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Synagogue Darmstadt

Society for Christian–Jewish Cooperation

Completed: 2004

Commissioned by the Society for Christian–Jewish Cooperation, the 3D computer reconstruction of the Darmstadt synagogue in the Bleichstraße was produced. Embedded in a film, the reconstruction shows the exterior and interior of the synagogue that was destroyed in the pogrom night in 1938. Asher Wasserteil, an eyewitness and at that time a member of the Jewish congregation, narrates the film with his remembrances. During a visit in Jerusalem with his help, it was possible to find out a little more about the coloration of the synagogue for which there were no records. Together at the computer step by step the coloration of the interior of the synagogue was reconstructed. In addition to the film about the synagogue in Darmstadt, a long interview with Asher Wasserteil was recorded, in which he talks about his life in Darmstadt, his memories of the Nazi-era as well as his rescue from persecution. Both documentary films are on DVDs and were made available to all schools in Darmstadt.
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