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Severinstorburg Cologne

LVR-Rheinisches LandesMuseum Bonn

Completed: 2010

For the exhibition “Renaissance on the Rhine” in the LVR-Rheinischs LandesMuseum in Bonn as well as for the regional exhibition, “Findings – Archaeology in North Rhine Westphalia” in the Römisch-Germanische Museum in Cologne, a 3D computer model was used to illustrate the architectural history of the construction of the Severinstorburg in Cologne. In the Middle Ages Cologne had a mighty city wall with 52 towers and 12 gates. The Severintorburg was one of the gates.

Among other things, historical documents, plans and archaeological findings served as the basis for the reconstruction.

Four historical phases of the city fortification in Cologne were reconstructed:
- Gate from the Middle Ages ca. 1400
- Enlargement with bastions ca. 1470
- Increase in the height of the city wall
   and the building of new platforms
   for cannons ca. 1585
- Reinforcement of bastions ca. 1640
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