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Cathedral of Speyer

Historical Museum of the Palatinate in Speyer

Completed: 2001

Commissioned by the Südwestfunk (public radio and TV station), which was producing a TV film about the construction of the cathedral of Speyer, the manifestation of the cathedral around 1066 was reconstructed. Furthermore, the goal was to depict a construction site in the early 11th century and to visualize the building process, the building methods and the tools used. The reconstruction is on exhibit for the public in the Historical Museum of the Palatinate in Speyer. An unusual feature of this project was the further work that was done on the computer model for a simulation of the measures for renovating today’s cathedral of Speyer, which is comprised of many sections that existed in 1066. On a computer model of the present day cathedral of Speyer, all together eight draft variations were alternatively depicted and were checked geometrically from relevant viewpoints.
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