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Neues Museum Berlin
Magdeburg und die Moderne
Kloster Altenberg
Stadtentwicklung Berlin Mitte
Bima der Synagoge Köln, 1349

Installations / Exhibits

The conveyance of knowledge with digital media leads to new forms of the presentation of the contents. Therefore, one field of work of Architectura Virtualis is the development of installations and exhibits in context of the new media. The goal of the realization is an integrated whole of content, technology and design. Architectura Virtualis gives advice for using digital media in exhibitions and takes over the development and realization of exhibits. The spectrum includes various areas, among others the computer reconstruction of destroyed architecture, the combination of haptic and virtual models, simulation and presentation of complex historical events as well as the presentation of subjects that are not locally available.

The combination of virtual and haptic models has made it possible to develop new types of exhibits. One example is the interactive installation "Foundation of Medieval Cities" in the German Historical Museum in Berlin. The core of the exhibit is a model of the medieval city Straubing, which was constructed on the computer and then produced as a haptic model in Rapid Prototyping. The exhibit consists of two parts, the reclining haptic model and a vertical projection screen behind. Both parts are vehicles of information. The contents correspond with each other. For example, if individual functions and utilizations of the medieval city are picked out as the central theme on the projection screen, the respective buildings are illuminated on the model. Furthermore, the buildings and city areas located on the haptic model can be observed from a pedestrian’s perspective as virtual models on the projection screen.

The exhibit "Roots of Humanity" is an example of the simulation of complex historical events using the new digital possibilities. An animation is projected on to a landscape relief and shows the development and expansion of the different species of mankind. This exhibit is shown in the Rheinische LandesMuseum in Bonn.

Museums often have the problem that originals cannot be loaned out or displayed. However, through "Holovision" such originals can be shown. An illusion is produced so that objects float in space before one’s eyes. No technical aid is necessary for the observer. The "Holovisioon" is like an exhibit. It does not replace the original, but the object in question can become three dimensional with this special method and observed in its original size.