The Foundation of Cities in
the Middle Ages
German Historical Museum, Berlin
Completed: 2006
The core of the exhibit is the computer reconstruction of the model of the medieval city Straubing made by Jacob Sandtner in the sixteenth century. A haptic model was produced from the data using the Rapid Prototyping Procedure.
The exhibit consists of two parts: a reclining haptic model and a vertical projection screen behind the model. Both are vehicles of information. The contents correspond with each other. For example, if individual functions and utilizations of the medieval city are picked out as the central theme on the projection screen, the respective buildings are illuminated on the model. Furthermore, the buildings and city areas located on the haptic model can be observed from a pedestrian’s perspective as virtual models on the projection screen. Different features, such as types of city ground plans, city founders or medieval survey methods can be called up by a touchpanel.